1200 btu
installation de base incluse. 12 pieds de cuivre isolé et braquette incluse
$ 1850
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1800 btu
installation de base incluse + taxes - 12pieds de cuivre isolé et braquette Vente, installation réparation, entretien
$ 2400
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1800 btu
installation de base incluse + taxes - 12pieds de cuivre isolé et braquette Vente, installation réparation, entretien
$ 2400
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List Item #3
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Well Maintained
We are exclusively reputed for our maintenance of everything specifically Schedule.
Modern Equipments
We are just on top of the tide when it comes to the equipments. We use the latest of them all.
All Expert Engineers
We have experienced specialists on every branch of our work so that we stay in the line.
Power Efficient Factory
“Success will always be with you, as long as you place safety as the first priority” and we firmly believe in it.

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- Leading industrial solutions with machinery
- Voluptatem acusantium doloremque laudant
- Eperiam eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
- Quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt
Innovative Industrial Technology
Innovation, Service, Certification, Production, Development are the most exclusive words nowadays and combining all of them with the years of experience of serving and building, we Solustrid stands. Our one and only goal is to support the world economy by providing the best of services to you because we believe “The World Is You”.
Our services at a glance ...
Years Experience
Industries Served